Location: Berufsbildende Schule
4 segments
The four segments were set up at the Berufsbildende Schule in Rodalben in the late 1990s to commemorate and to remind of the German division. The segments were painted by Thierry Noir. He remembers:
“The segment on the far right and the second one on the left were originally in the Waldemarstraße in Kreuzberg, where the still recognizable mural was created in October 1985. The second segment from the right comes from a number of similarly painted segments which I made for the Wim Wenders’ film Der Himmel über Berlin. Made under no simple conditions, it was February 1987, a very cold winter with minus 13 degress Celcius at that day, and I’ve spent the whole day outside painting. The mural on the leftmost segment was created after the Fall of the Wall.”
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