Durham, NC

Berlin Wall in Durham

Location (since 2015): The Frontier in the Research Triangle Park (before: Marble’s Kids, Raleigh)

1 segment from Waldemarstraße, Kreuzberg

In spring 2015, a Wall segment which was missing from Raleigh years before reappeared from a private collection and was set up in The Frontier in North Carolina. This segment of the Berlin Wall is a symbol of what is happening in the immediate vicinity: The Frontier and the Research Triangle Park are a melting pot of ideas and innovations, they are breaking down barriers and boarders.

A photo from 1984 shows the segment in Berlin. The other part of the graffito by Kiddy Citny is now in New York:

© Courtesy by Graziano Arici

Photo above and background:
Still from YouTube clip

2 thoughts on “Durham, NC

  1. We will be visiting the Durham area on Saturday, August 24. I understand that there is a section of the Berlin Wall at “The Frontier in the Research Triangle.” Information is somewhat scarce as to its exact location, but it appears to be inside the building. I read in one site it is open 9-5 every day, and another that it was open only Mon-Fri from 9-5. Are you able to give more information as to if and when we can see it. (We saw three sections of the wall on a trip to Germany last week, and now are looking for additional sections available in the US. Any information you can provide will be most appreciated. Thank you.

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