Location: in front of the district administration
1 segment
The district administration Potsdam-Mittelmark was given a Berlin Wall segment in 2015. It was donated by Klösters Baustoffwerke from the nearby Teltow. The segment was setup in front of the historical building of the district administration in the midst of the historical city of Bad Belzig. The segment was artistically designed with the lettering MARX and three stylized faces some years before.
Wolfgang Blasig, the district administrator, has made the contact with the donator. In an interview with the Märkische Allgemeine Zeitung Blasig said: I have lived in Kleinmachnow in the shadow of the Wall. My son was a wallpecker. I am excited about the Berlin Wall as piece of art. At the same time it is a reminder. Today, we often forget the distress caused by the Wall and the Death Strip. We point that out on a plaque.
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© district administration Potsdam-Mittelmark