Location: Square An der Riviera, north of the old town
1 segment
During the Wall’s sell off, the City of Ansbach purchased quickly a slab of the Wall for 2,000 or 3,000 DM, as mayor Ralf Felber remembered. It was set up in the little Franconian town in October 1990.
In the course of the years, the writings on the eastside paled. On ocassion of the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Wall, the writings were refreshed:
Dieses Original-Mauerstück aus Berlin trennte von 1961 bis 1990 Deutsche von Deutschen. Es steht hier in Ansbach seit dem 3. Oktober 1990 als Mahnmal gegen Unterdrückung, Unmenschlichkeit und Intoleranz. Diese Mauer ist ein Appell an uns, Trennendes zwischen Menschen zu überwinden.
(This original piece of the Berlin Wall has separated Germans from Germans between 1961 and 1990. It is here in Ansbach since october 3rd, 1990 as a memorial against suppression, inhumanness and intolerance. It appeales to us, to overcome what divides us.)
Photo above and background:
© Norbert/Instagram