Location: access to the parking space Zentrum
2 segments
Friedhelm Drautzberg, born in Wittlich, is owner of the cult tavern Ständige Vertretung in Bonn, and offshots now also in Berlin and at the Airport Cologne/Bonn.
On occasion of the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Wall, Drautzberg donated a Wall segment, designed by Ben Wagin, to his hometown, which was erected in October 2009. Wagin’s Wall art, messages from his Berlin based Parliament of Trees, can be seen also in Bonn, Cologne/Bonn, Bremen and Berlin.
Next to this one, there is another Wall segment laying on the ground. It is a gift from Wittlich’s twin town Zossen, former GDR. The memorial and artwork shall remind of unfreedom, inhumanity, end of the Cold War and the conflict between East and West.
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© Palmi/Instagram