Location: Iveco Group premises
8 segments
Since 2017, eight segments of the Wall have stood on the Iveco Group’s premises in Ulm as a reminder that freedom, unity and democracy cannot be taken for granted. IVECO writes about the history of these segments:
Very soon after the GDR government announced the freedom to travel, work began on dismantling the Wall in Berlin. Our colleagues at the former O&K/Case construction machinery plant in Berlin-Spandau were asked to help dismantle the Wall with heavy construction machinery “made in Berlin”.
The Berlin O&K/Case plant thus received a piece of the wall. This part of the wall then stood in the Berlin plant in Staakener Str. The almost complete closure of the traditional Berlin plant was one of CNH Industrial’s major deindustrialisation projects before the closure of commercial vehicle production in Ulm. When, after the closure of the development and customer service department still remaining in Berlin and the small grader assembly plant, the Berlin site was then completely abandoned, the question arose as to what should happen to the various things from Berlin. The historical construction machinery and construction machinery design prototypes were given to the Technical Museum Berlin. At the request of the then Managing Director of CNH Baumaschinen GmbH, Klaus Rekitt, who is now Chief Financial Officer of Iveco Magirus AG in Ulm, the historic wall section was transported to Ulm with the support of the Ulm Works Council. The wall sections were transported to Ulm by low-loader lorry and installed there for the opening of the IVECO Customer Centre in 2017.
Today, the parts of the wall can be found on the Iveco Group’s Ulm site in front of the IVECO Product Academy. The fact that this historic section of the Wall is now in Ulm is mainly thanks to the efforts of Mr Klaus Rekitt. This part of the wall is a silent, often unheeded reminder that we should preserve freedom, unity and democracy. Unfree societies erect walls that are not always made of concrete. Free societies break down walls.
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© Courtesy by Iveco Group