Support The Wall Net

From Santa Barbara to Yokohama, from Reykjavik to Canberra: The Berlin Wall is as well a relic from a bygone era as it is an important stimulus for the present and the future.

Searching for more or less completely preserved remains of the Berlin Wall is sometimes like searching the proverbial needle in a haystack. Extensive research, correspondence and permanent monitoring make it time-consuming and cost-intensive. This project isn’t a documentation in a traditional sense. It is rather an almost real-time project, which captures and records changes.

Even a small donation is a contribution to the consistency and continuous development of this cultural project. Thank you for your support!

The Wall Net is a non-profit organization conformable to German law. Regular review through the relevant tax authorities ensures that donations are used only for statutory purposes. Finanzamt München für Körperschaften, Tax identification number 143/222/82029. For donations from 200 € a donation receipt can be issued. The names of the donors will not be published.

The Wall Net is registered in Berlin’s transparency database.

© Bundesarchiv. Bild 183-1990-1129-004, 22. November 1990