Location: Museo de la Moda, temp. spring to autumn 2018
1 segment (on loan of German Embassy in Santiago de Chile)
Siendo el futuro: 1889-1918 / 1989-2018 – being the future – is a temporary exhibition of the Museo de la Moda, a fashion museum in the Chilean capital. Sociopolitical, technical and cultural subjects are featured with examplary exhibits, which characterise the end and the beginning the opposed eras,
‘These were times, when people were living a new future’, explains Jorge Yarur Bascuñán, director and curator of the Museo de la Moda. They are marked i.a. by the Eiffel Tower and the Fall of the Berlin Wall, and above all by examples of fashion. The very vivid comparisons of fashion show a changed ideal of beauty and even pick up the pace of the respective epoch.
The exhibition was opend in April 2018 by Jorge Yarur Bascuñán and the famous model Kate Moss. The Berlin Wall segment is on loan of the German Embassy in Santiago de Chile.
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© Museo de la Moda