Location: Ampere, Simonsstraat
1 segment
The Ampere is a trendy techno club below the railway tracks close to Antwerp central station. But the Ampere is as well a sustainable event space with a mix of good music and eco-friendly initiatives by night and creative workshops and cultural events by day.
In September 2015 a Berlin Wall segment was set up in front of the entry to the Ampere, which newly has been opened. Special: A copy of an Alien (originally created by H.R. Giger) is creeping over it.
Joachim Marijnen, the owner of the Ampere, has bought the segment from the Belgian artist Hannes D’Haese, who in turn has bought the segment from a German collector years before. For D’Haese, the Alien is creeping over the Wall like people strive for freedom.
Marijnen, whose Ampere partners with Berlin based DJs and labels, also has a personal conjunction to the Berlin Wall: He eyewitnessed the fall of the Wall as a child in Berlin, when his father was working at that time at the Opera in East Berlin.
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© Vincent V. (via Yelp)