Recklinghausen, NW – Am Rosengarten

Location: Am Rosengarten, near city park//Ruhrfestspielhaus 1 segment Further details unknown. Additional information can be uploaded via comment on this side. To upload a photo, please follow this link.
Location: Am Rosengarten, near city park//Ruhrfestspielhaus 1 segment Further details unknown. Additional information can be uploaded via comment on this side. To upload a photo, please follow this link.
Location: Charlottenburger Street 1 segment The idea of a CDU-affiliated organization (CDU = conservative political party) was to remind of the division of Germany and to preserve the memory. Supported by others, they erected a Wall segment in Recklinghausen’s Berlin estate. This residential area dates back to the early 1960s – when Berlin was divided by the Wall. The segment came […]
Location: private property 1 segment Joachim Hohlwein has bought a Wall segment in 1991. Before he set it up in his garden, it was standing on a different location for a long period . The original graffito faded over the years, so that Hohlwein repainted the Wall with an own motive. Photo: No picture available. If you want to […]
Location: in front of a doctor’s surgery, private property 1 segment Since 2010, a Wall segment is standing in the front garden of Thomas Gripp’s doctor’s surgery. A friend of him purchased it at an auction before. Gripp associates personal memories with it, which he wants to share with his children in this way: As a 17 year old boy, as it […]
Location: Hostel Basecamp 2 segments First of all, the Hostel Basecamp Bonn addresses school classes, that stay for a study visit in Bonn, the former federal capital and its political institutions and are willing to spend a night in a caravan or a pullmann coach. They also can find illustrative material on German history just in front of the door: […]