Location: National Museum of the USAF, Wright Patterson Air Force Base
6 segments
The US Air Force Museum is devoted to the development of the aerial war, especially the superiority of the US Air Force. A large area is devoted to the Cold War.
Thus, the US Air Force has played a leading role in the Cold War, in the year 2000 the US Air Force Museum and the Rhine-Main Air Base agreed on a swap.
Four Wall segments from Frankfurt (Airlift Memorial at the Rhine-Main Base) in exchange for two transport aircrafts from Dayton. Responsible for the Air Force Museum was Lt. Gen. William J. Fröhlich, Assistant Vice Chief of Staff, headquarters, US Air Force.
Later, two more segments were added.
The Graffiti by Thierry Noir were not painted on the original site of the Wall. Noir has painted his distinctive heads specifically for the US Air Force Museum afterwards.
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© by National Museum of the US Air Force