…in the world

Best, NL

Berlin Wall in Best, Netherlands

Location: Museum Wings of Liberation5 segments These five segments of the Berlin Wall were donated to the Museum Befrijdende Vleugels (Wings of Liberation) in Best in 2023. They previously stood on the premises of Stolwerk Sloopwerken in Breda, the only Dutch company involved in the demolition of the border fortifications in 1990.The heirs and successors […]

Ulm, BW

Berliner Mauer in Ulm, Germany

Location: Iveco Group premises8 segments Since 2017, eight segments of the Wall have stood on the Iveco Group’s premises in Ulm as a reminder that freedom, unity and democracy cannot be taken for granted. IVECO writes about the history of these segments: Very soon after the GDR government announced the freedom to travel, work began […]

Hemer, NW

Berlin Wall in Hemer, Germany

Location: Friedenspark1 segment A segment of the Berlin Wall was set up as a reminder in the Friedenspark in Hemer in 2022.The segment was originally erected in the local Blücher barracks and came into the possession of the town of Hemer in 2004 when the military base was abandoned. Photo above and background:© Google StreetView

Amherst, MA

Berlin Wall in Amherst, Massachusetts

Location: Campus of the University of Massachusetts1 segment The Berlin Wall segment, which was set up on the UMass campus in Amherst in spring 2023, was donated by the Hanson family. The graffito on the wall was created by Thierry Noir and is called: The Power Of Creativity Over Concrete. Originally, entrepreneur Eric Hanson purchased […]